Saturday, January 11, 2014

Writing Compassion: Half-day Workshop on 2/15

Friends, I’m excited to announce the first of several upcoming workshops in 2014!

Compassion: to be with, feel with, suffer with

“Without compassion, we will never know anyone or anything, not even our own story. Too much judgment, too many ideas and attitudes will stand in the way of the fundamental principle that we are similar to, connected with, and part of everything else.” - Deena Metzger, from Writing for Your Life

When: Saturday, February 15th, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
(with 30-45 min. lunch break)

Where: George: Center for Community; 2212 NE 125th Street; Seattle, WA 98125

Cost: $50-$60 (sliding scale); one “pay-what-you-can” scholarship available.

Complete registration details below.

If you seek to create more space in your life for contemplation, or if you have a desire to write, come join us for an inspiring day of inner exploration. In this workshop, we will explore the role of compassion in our lives through a series of free-writing exercises. As we practice writing and listening from a safe place of non-judgment and openness, we will delve into the intimate terrain of our hearts, including: the many ways in which we love and suffer, the people we care for, and the people we struggle to forgive. Participants will be encouraged (but no one is required) to share from their writing, and no prior writing experience is necessary. Brief meditations and resources for furthering your compassionate writing practice will be provided. All are welcome.

To register:  
Please first email Anne to confirm there is space (enrollment is limited to 15).Then you can either pay by check  made payable to St. Andrews and mailed to: 111 80th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115; Attn. Bookkeeper.  
Please include a note that says payment is for Anne Liu Kellor’s workshop on 2/15 at George Center for Community.

Or pay by Paypal below.

Sliding Scale Options


Questions? For more information, please contact me at

“The truth is that we are all wounded. The only question is whether we use our wounds to hurt others or whether we use them to become healers.” - Dr. Cornel West

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Reading 1/9 and An Overdue Update

Dear Neglected Blog,

I'm sorry I have not written for you in so long. I have been busy working on my book this year, and sadly that means that any personal/working time I have must go to that. I've never been good at short, perky blog posts either, so the longer I wait before updating you, the more of a "serious" task it seems to become. I wish this wasn't the case. I do, in fact, enjoy many aspects of social media (Facebook! 'Find me on Facebook', where I also have goals of updating my Heart Radical page much more often than I do, but where I can more reliably be found popping up regularly via my personal page). Alas, the whole motherhood/SAHM/writing/lack-of-time conundrum still plagues me (see any number of old posts from the last three years that I'm too lazy to hyperlink here).

Anyway, I did want to tell you that I am taking part in the It's About Time Writer's Reading Series at the Ballard Library next Thursday. The reading will go from 6:00 to 7:45. The first twenty minutes will be a "writer's craft" talk. It's free. I would love to see you there, and if you are there and I haven't met you personally, I would love to meet you! (You can go to the link to learn about the series, but the 2014 calendar is not up yet. You can find them on Facebook to see who else will be reading that night.)

I will confess, I still don't know what I am going to read at said reading, but I always love the way a reading makes me go back into my old work, start reading it aloud, refining it, thinking about how to condense a 20 page piece into 7, or otherwise hearing my words again for the first time as I imagine how they will sound to others. I am rusty. I need to practice. I learned this during my time as a Jack Straw writer: the importance of practice. So this reading will be good for me. I will probably read something that I've never published or read aloud before to an audience, since that would describe the bulk of my work. It will be from my forthcoming book. I am now searching for an agent again, finally. An update on this process should also be forthcoming here. Not to mention a New Year's deep reflections (or glorified to-do list) type post. But it ain't gonna happen. Not today, and maybe not for several weeks as I continue to attend to the most immediate tasks before me: planning for spring workshops (stay tuned!), the editing and querying, and, of course, as always, the never-ending domestic multi-tasking of motherhood.

Deep sigh. It's been a kind of funky day. But I wasn't going to go off on a tangent here. This was just going to be a short perky post to tell you about the reading next week! Not an online journal entry, because OF COURSE my blog posts are NEVER like that.

Anyway. Where was I? Blog, I miss you. I want to update you. Make you fancy and new and appealing.

Also, did I mention I AM OPEN TO WORK WITH A COUPLE MORE PEOPLE ONE-ON-ONE? Especially during these next few months. All kinds of options regarding what that could look like/feel like are available. More on that soon here, too (to entice you), but for now, I will simply put it out there to the blogosphere universe, and hope that if someone's meant to hear it, they will. 

So... stay tuned for updates. I'm still trying to confirm venues for workshops, but I'm looking to do a one-day "Writing Compassion" workshop in February, AND a six-week "flash nonfiction" workshop starting in April. 

Sending love,




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