Thursday, May 2, 2013

Writing Transformation Workshop: May 28 - July 16th, Tuesday evenings

Yes, it's been way too long since I've posted anything here, I know. That time will come, but... 

In the meantime, the first installation of WRITING TRANSFORMATION was so engaging, that I've decided to put together another workshop starting on May 28th! This will be an 8-week workshop, with a smaller group (7 participants max), where you can both generate new writing and get in-depth feedback on an essay or memoir-in-progress from me and others. (All levels of writers are welcome, yet ideally you should have some experience with free-writing, feel comfortable sharing your work, and be committed to the revision process.) Read on for the full description!

When: May 28th - July 16th, Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Where: Mosaic Coffeehouse in NE Seattle; (except for 2 weeks when the space is closed and we will meet at a private location in Wallingford)
Cost: $240 by check, $247 by Paypal
To register: Contact Anne Liu Kellor at


Stories of personal transformation lie at the heart of human experience. Whether we’ve given birth to a child, uprooted our homes or relationships, come out of the closet, lost or found our faith, or said goodbye to a loved one, many of us have gone through vital periods in our lives where we’ve struggled to embrace a shifting identity, longed for greater direction or purpose, or striven to create a new home.

In this workshop, we will explore our personal stories in a supportive and stimulating environment. We will free-write together extensively, share from our writing, and read and discuss works of creative nonfiction from authors like Brenda Miller, Cheryl Strayed, Emily Rapp, and Zadie Smith. We will also discuss the process of writing, explore key elements of craft
, and delve into the art of revision.

Participants will each submit a piece-in-progress to the group during weeks 5-8 to be discussed in a thoughtful and respectful way. Together, we will seek to locate the heart of each others stories and to identify their major metaphors or themes. We will ask: Beneath the obvious storyline, what am I really writing about, and how has my inner landscape shifted or changed?

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions! 
Thanks much,


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